Daily Readings

What does a critical literacy classroom look like in the age of A.I.?

Key Readings

Additional Readings

Supplemental Readings

➢ Kantayya, S. (Director). (2020). Coded Bias. [Film]. 7th Empire Media.

➢ Reed, S. (2022). Black Wall Street Love Letters. The Power of Digital Discourse… | by

Reed aka Samuel Reed Elanur Eroglu| Medium and. NWP Write Now.

https://writenow.nwp.org/black-wall-street-love-letters-62e0fd127dbf (online only)

➢ Urrea, A. (2022). TEDx T alk. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz

https://www.yolandasealeyruiz.com/general-clean (online only)

Rosser, et al. (in review) “Digital discourse for what? Pursuing deeper purposes in English classrooms. English Journal.

How can multiple literacies be leveraged to give us a deeper, more nuanced understanding of histories?

Key Readings

Additional Readings

Supplemental Readings

➢ Harvard Graduate School of Education. (n.d.) Project Zero’s thinking routine toolbox. https://pz.harvard.edu/thinking-routines (online only)

How do we use literacies to engage, interrogate, and appreciate multiple perspectives?

Key Readings

Additional Readings

What is the role of love in teaching and learning?

Key Readings

Additional Readings


➢ Sealey-Ruiz, Y. (2022). Truth, Love, & Racial Literacy | Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz | TEDxPenn.  YouTube.com. https://youtu.be/-V_GdpVR6NI?si=5zHvIciDeMma8C7x (online only)

➢ Medina, N., & File, N. (2023). 'As Black girls, we have to maintain a sisterhood': How a literacy project encourages girls to love themselves. Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved from https://www.inquirer.com/news/black-girl-literacies-project-penn-bell-hooks-education20230209.htmlquery=black%20girl%20literacies  (online only)

How do we embrace the rich and diverse language and discourse in Philadelphia and beyond? 

What has happened to language in Philadelphia over time?

Key Readings

Additional Readings

Supplemental Readings

Anzaldua, G. (1987). How to T ame a Wild T ongue. In Borderlands La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 33-45.

Yoon, H.S. (2019). Playful Literacies, Creativity, and Multilingual Practices. The Reading Teacher, 72(5), 551–557.

Eagle Shield, A. (2020). Naǧí Uŋkíčhopi (Calling Our Spirits Back) Through Language and Culture From Očhéthi Šakówiŋ and Beyond. In D. Paris, R. Paris, & T. San Pedro (Eds.), Education in Movement Spaces: Standing Rock to Chicago Freedom Square. T aylor & Francis Group.

Garza, C. L. (1991). A piece of my heart = Pedacito de mi corazón : the art of Carmen Lomas Garza. New Press.

Watson, D. (2011). What Do Y ou Mean When Y ou Say Urban? Rethinking Schools.

Translanguaging across Literacies. (2024, March). YouTube.com. https://youtu.be/fZNewaQ4qZo?si=chmmj0BqsCpdx7Ht (online only)

How do we center joy in our curricula and classrooms?

Key Readings

Additional Readings


➢ Inquiring Minds Podcast: Written Literacies & Joy. (2023, April). YouTube.com. https://youtu.be/B-R4xP8Ti6U?si=hjYHT7JZJtQ5tETI (online only)

➢ Wohlwend, K., et al. (2022). W&L SIG Podcast : Play Literacies. YouTube. Retrieved  from https://youtu.be/jq6Jskm0kWc?si=1k16wlijEtcx7XUV (online only)

➢ Gray, K., Aguilera, E., & Wargo, J. (2021). Gaming & Literacies. YouTube. https://youtu.be/wirHIrIqmSA?si=XbGwPDOLUfkX5e_f (online only)