Daily Readings
Who are we? What are we bringing? What’s bringing us?
Key Readings
What are our literacy roots/routes?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G. E. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic. [Chapters 1-3]
Sealey-Ruiz, Y. (2021) The Racial Literacy Development Model [Image].
Additional Readings
What is inquiry? How do we use writing to build an inquiry community?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G., (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. New York, NY, Scholastic. [Chapter 4]
Additional Readings
NWP In Person: Susan Lytle. (2010). National Writing Project. https://youtu.be/2H0AFtUreDA?si=np58_CSd50_dXX2F (online only)
What does it meam to teach in Philadelphia in these times?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G., (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. New York, NY, Scholastic. . [Chapter 5]
Pitts, J. (2020, May 15). T eaching as activism, teaching as care. Teaching Tolerance.
Puntel, C. & Rosser, B. (2020). Letters to Each Other: PhilWP T eacher Consultants explore digital discourse in these times…. PhilWP Blog. (online only)
Additional Readings
What does a critical literacy classroom look like in the age of A.I.?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G. E. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic. [Chapter 6]
Baldwin, J. (2008). A talk to teachers. Teachers College Record, 110(14), 17-20.
Additional Readings
Buolamwini, J. (2018, June 28). AI, Ain't I A Woman? - Joy Buolamwini. YouTube. https://youtu.be/QxuyfWoVV98?si=zvg58OLOG_2i9yoK (online only)
Ferlazzo, L., Vogelsinger, B., Parnaby, G., & Wilson, T. J. (2023, January 3). ChatGPT: Teachers weigh in on how to manage the new AI chatbot. Education Week. https://www-edweek-org.proxy.library.upenn.edu/teaching-learning/opinion-chatgpt-teachers-weigh-in-on-how-to-manage-the-new-ai-chatbot/2023/01 (online only)
Hannah-Jones, N. (2023). Episode 1: Democracy. The 1619 Project. Hulu. https://www.hulu.com/series/the-1619-project-7ba3407a-299c-4a10-8310-bbcdd6ab4653
Supplemental Readings
➢ Kantayya, S. (Director). (2020). Coded Bias. [Film]. 7th Empire Media.
➢ Reed, S. (2022). Black Wall Street Love Letters. The Power of Digital Discourse… | by
Reed aka Samuel Reed Elanur Eroglu| Medium and. NWP Write Now.
https://writenow.nwp.org/black-wall-street-love-letters-62e0fd127dbf (online only)
➢ Urrea, A. (2022). TEDx T alk. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz
https://www.yolandasealeyruiz.com/general-clean (online only)
How can multiple literacies be leveraged to give us a deeper, more nuanced understanding of histories?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G. E. (2023). Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic. [Chapter 1]
Style, E. (1988). Curriculum As Window and Mirror. National SEED Project.
Erdrich. H.E. (2008). National monuments. East Lansing, MI: Michigan University Press.
Facing History and Ourselves. (n.d.) Holocaust and Human Behavior. Loewen, J.
Additional Readings
Mural Arts Philadelphia. (n.d.). Art across the incredible canvases of Philadelphia. https://www.muralarts.org/artworks/ (online only)
Philadelphia Writing Project: Supporting Civically Engaged Argument Writing with Primary Sources. (2023). PhilWP .org. https://tps.philwp.org/collections/monuments (online only)
Supplemental Readings
➢ Harvard Graduate School of Education. (n.d.) Project Zero’s thinking routine toolbox. https://pz.harvard.edu/thinking-routines (online only)
How do we use literacies to engage, interrogate, and appreciate multiple perspectives?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G. E. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic. [Chapter 7]
Graff, G., & Birkenstein. (2021). They say, I say: The moves that matter in academic writing. 5th ed. W. W. Norton. [Chapters 1-3]
Additional Readings
Yee, M. (2012). The Movement. Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Highsmith, C. M., photographer. (2019) This "History of Chinatown" mural, by four artists "Arturo Ho, Giz, N. Phung, and H. Tran" covers a building wall on the upper edge of the Chinatown neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania United States Philadelphia, 2019-04-07. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2019689264/ (online only)
Historic American Buildings Survey, C. (1933) Chinatown YMCA, 125 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA. Pennsylvania Philadelphia County Philadelphia, 1933. Documentation Compiled After. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/pa1151/. online only)
Alvarez, A. A., & Mikati, M. (2023, February 7). Philly's Chinatown has been fighting for its existence for decades. These women have led those fights. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved from https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia/chinatown-women-activism-leaders-20230207.html (online only)
Chen, N., & Delafosse, M. (2023, January 23). Corporate developers target Philly's Chinatown for destruction with new arena – Liberation News. Liberation News. Retrieved from https://www.liberationnews.org/corporate-developers-target-phillys-chinatown-for-destruction-with-new-arena/ (online only)
Save Chinatown | API PA. (n.d.). Asian Pacific Islander Political Alliance. Retrieved ffrom https://apipennsylvania.org/chinatown/ (online only)
Mikati, M. (2022, December 29). Community organizing strategies residents of Philadelphia's Chinatown uses to fight big development. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved from https://www.inquirer.com/news/inq2/community-organizing-strategies-chinatown-philadelphia-development-sixers-arena-20230102.html (online only)
What is the role of love in teaching and learning?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G.,(2023). Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic. [Chapter 3]
hooks, b. (2018). All about love: new visions. HarperCollins, 1-14.
Additional Readings
➢ Sealey-Ruiz, Y. (2022). Truth, Love, & Racial Literacy | Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz | TEDxPenn. YouTube.com. https://youtu.be/-V_GdpVR6NI?si=5zHvIciDeMma8C7x (online only)
➢ Medina, N., & File, N. (2023). 'As Black girls, we have to maintain a sisterhood': How a literacy project encourages girls to love themselves. Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved from https://www.inquirer.com/news/black-girl-literacies-project-penn-bell-hooks-education20230209.htmlquery=black%20girl%20literacies (online only)
How do we embrace the rich and diverse language and discourse in Philadelphia and beyond?
What has happened to language in Philadelphia over time?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G. E. (2023). Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic. [Chapters 4-5]
Paris, D., & Alim, H. S. (2017). Culturally sustaining pedagogies: Teaching and learning for justice in a changing world. New York: Teachers College Press. [Chapter 3 and Chapter 5]
Additional Readings
Asante, M. (2013). Buck: A memoir (First edition.). New York: Spiegel & Grau, 4.
Baker-Bell, A. (2020). Linguistic Justice. Routledge, 2020. [Chapter 1]
Hudes, Q. A. (2021). My broken language: A memoir. First edition. New York: One World, 178-181.
Supplemental Readings
➢ Watson, D. (2011). What Do Y ou Mean When Y ou Say Urban? Rethinking Schools.
➢ Translanguaging across Literacies. (2024, March). YouTube.com. https://youtu.be/fZNewaQ4qZo?si=chmmj0BqsCpdx7Ht (online only)
How do we center joy in our curricula and classrooms?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G., (2023). Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic. [Chapter 2]
Christensen, L. (2009). T eaching for Joy and Justice: Re-imagining the Language Arts Classroom. Rethinking Schools Publication, 1-13.
Additional Readings
➢ Inquiring Minds Podcast: Written Literacies & Joy. (2023, April). YouTube.com. https://youtu.be/B-R4xP8Ti6U?si=hjYHT7JZJtQ5tETI (online only)
➢ Wohlwend, K., et al. (2022). W&L SIG Podcast : Play Literacies. YouTube. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/jq6Jskm0kWc?si=1k16wlijEtcx7XUV (online only)
➢ Gray, K., Aguilera, E., & Wargo, J. (2021). Gaming & Literacies. YouTube. https://youtu.be/wirHIrIqmSA?si=XbGwPDOLUfkX5e_f (online only)