Day 5
Monday, June 24, 2024 (Remote)
How can multiple literacies be leveraged to give us a deeper, more nuanced understandings of histories?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G. E. (2023). Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic. [Chapter 1]
Style, E. (1988). Curriculum As Window and Mirror. National SEED Project.
Erdrich. H.E. (2008). National monuments. East Lansing, MI: Michigan University Press.
Facing History and Ourselves. (n.d.) Holocaust and Human Behavior.
Loewen, J. "Correct(ed): Confederate public history" in Delpit, L., ed. Teaching when the world is on fire: Authentic classroom advice, from climate justice to Black Lives Matter. New York: The New Press. 2019. p. 226-228.
The Clarice Smith National Teacher Institute. (2013). Visual literacy handouts. Smithsonian American Art Museum, July 8-12.
Additional Readings
Bishop, R. S. (1990). Mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. Perspectives: Choosing and Using Books for the Classroom, 6(3).
Mural Arts Philadelphia. (n.d.). Art across the incredible canvases of Philadelphia. (online only)
Philadelphia Writing Project: Supporting Civically Engaged Argument Writing with Primary Sources. (2023). (online only)
Supplemental Readings
Harvard Graduate School of Education. (n.d.) Project Zero’s thinking routine toolbox. (online only)
Writing into the day
Morning Session 1
Afternoon session
9:00 - 9:30
Writing Into The Day
Where do you see windows and mirrors in these images of June in Philadelphia in these times? Why does it matter? To whom? Why right now?
9:30 - 10:00
Morning Session 1
In breakout groups, read, write, and discuss the following texts from the bulk pack. The goal is to collaboratively generate knowledge about the texts to share with the whole group. You will have ~20 minutes.
Group 1: Muhammad & Style
Group 2: Erdrich
Group 3: FHAO & Loewen
10:00 - 11:30
Morning Session 2
Creating a Literacy Curriculum to Support Civically Engaged Argument Writing
Javaha Ross, Grades K-8 Librarian, Penn Alexander School
Trey Smith, Grades K-8 Digital Literacy Teacher, Marian Anderson School
24 June 2024
11:30 - 12:15
Journal Groups
GROUP 1: Chris, Emma, Adrienne B., Sally, Carly
GROUP 2: Alaya, Alex, Julia
GROUP 3: Takiykah, Miriama, Willeena, Kevin
GROUP 4: Adrienne S., Emily, Patricia, Grace
12:15 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:30
Afternoon Session
Monuments, Markers, and Murals as Texts
Visit one (or more) of the following websites with images of monuments, markers, and murals.
Ask yourself: What story does this image tell? What story(ies) does it omit or occlude (if any)? What purpose is this image serving? What nuances of history are present or absent? What more would you like to know?
Prepare to share your image and findings with a small group in breakout rooms.
1:00 - 1:15 - Individual ‘research’
1:15 - 1:30 - Breakout rooms
1:30 - 1:45 - Whole group debrief
2:30 - 3:00
Wrap Up/Reflection
Tomorrow, we will be at the Asian Arts Initiative!
Complete Day 6 Readings